Chapter 1115

Hansley would rather die than experience the pain of having his soul ripped apart again. He looked at Darius and said agitatedly, "Darius, your father and I were friends for many years. I've been helping him search for his soul shards all these years."

He trembled as he spoke. His gaze became pleading. "Please, I'm begging you. Get someone else to operate on me. You can't imagine the pain—"

Darius cut him off. "I may not be able to imagine how painful it is, but don't you think my father knows what it's like?" His gaze was cold.

Hansley couldn't continue. It was obvious that Darius knew everything. He hadn't exposed his lies from the beginning because he'd been waiting. He wanted to see Hansley make a fool of himself.

Hansley was ashen as he asked hoarsely, "Is this really how you want things to go?"

Darius raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Of course. I already told you that I only pay attention to the results."

Hansley stared at him for a long time. Darius slowly frowned. It was a sign
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