Chapter 1145

"It's just that you guys want me to go with you willingly. That's why you've only shown up now. Of course, there's another reason. I guessed everything on my own," said Darius. He sighed and put his hands behind his back.

His gaze was cold as he looked at Gabriel. "Now, have you decided who you're gonna hand me over to?"

Gabriel couldn't believe how accurate Darius' guesses were. He had to choose one of the three parties he served to swear his allegiance to. As he hesitated, Darius said, "You're a spy that the enlightened martial artists sent to the organization for the black-robed people.

"What I want to know is how you managed to get a job with the authorities. It's such a huge leap. I wouldn't even have thought it possible." Darius raised an eyebrow.

A trace of surprise flashed in Gabriel's eyes. He didn't expect Darius to say this. Once again, Darius had accurately pinpointed the anomaly. Getting a job with the authorities had been nothing but an accident.

Gabriel bit his lip as h
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