Chapter 81

The caller was Helen!

It had been close to two weeks since Darius rescued Helen from Luke’s vile actions. After taking her to her dorm, she kissed him on the lips and ran off before he could even react.

After that day, he had tried to get in touch with her; not because of the kiss, but because he wanted to know if she was doing alright as he guessed that she might have gotten a huge scare.

Contrary to his expectations, Helen refused to pick any of his calls at all! Not only that, she totally refused any meeting with him at all, leaving Darius at a total loss on what to do. She was completely avoiding him.

Darius had no choice but to leave her for the time being. He had no idea why she was avoiding him, but he respected her choice. He still had a lot of things to do, so he couldn’t spend his whole time thinking about Helen’s refusal to meet with him.

Therefore one could imagine how surprised he was when he saw that the caller was Helen. He did not expect her to contact him so soon.

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