Chapter 152 Defensive Destruction!
The dragon landed on the ground and was in a halt after being attacked by the headmaster.

"Is it done?" Asked, the headmaster.

All of them actually thought that the dragon has lost the capability to fight, but then it started to roar once again and the wyverns who were fighting Raniel and the other quansi-saints began to turn into a dense innergy and goes back to the dragon's body.

"W-What just happened?" Asked, the headmaster.

"So that looking wyvern wasn't actually a wyvern, but a clone made by that dragon?" Remarked, Rey.

The dragon who was thought to be exhausted began to regenerate all his wounds whether it was external or internal.

"Ha! What really happened?" The headmaster shook his head in disbelief after seeing that the wyverns who were thought to be the dragon's underlings were after all his own creation, a clone.

Rey was on his way to intercept the dragon's regeneration process, but then, the dragon breathes fire that restricted Rey from going closer.

The dragon's w
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