Who Are You?

I could see a woman sitting on a throne, which was at the far end. I looked at the throne. The woman was barefoot, and her lilac hair hung down over her body. She looked at me without a word, but I could hear from her crystal clear eyes, she said, "Father, have you come?"

My blood was boiling when I heard the words that the woman said. I don't know if she spoke the wrong way or my hearing was starting to get disturbed, as a result of this head bumping frequently. But ... did that woman really call me 'father' earlier? Seriously? I'm just a fifteen year old teenager. On what basis does the woman who looks more mature call me 'father'? It's just a dream, right?

I have seen many beautiful women in my life. First Mama, Miss Hana, single neighbors and the capital's artists of course. However, I must admit that the beauty of the woman sitting on the throne was something I had never seen before.

A face like this had never existed even in the most beautiful dr
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