I, Sascha Allein, hereby surrender my entire being to you*(R-18)

- Emilia Pov -

I was walking to my room after dinner had finished, and everyone had gone back to their respective rooms.

And, as is my habit, I like to read books every night before I go to bed. I like to keep reading until my eyes get tired, and then I fall asleep with a bunch of books surrounding me.

The topics covered in the books I read were pretty varied, ranging from books on energy and magic to books on the history of this world.

Sometimes I also help my mother with the affairs of this empire, and thanks to all the information I've read, I'm also gradually starting to understand the monster that is called the Zeitgeist Empire.

And as soon as I became aware of it, for some reason, my shoulders immediately began to feel heavy, and I noticed that my breathing had started to become a little bit shallow; other people may say that I carry a heavy burden as a princess of the Zeitgeist empire, so it is only natural that I feel the pressure.

But that wasn't what caused me to react so dr
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