Magical Uncertainties

First, Raymond's death was something of a incomprehensible mystery, as he was wearing a bullet proof suit similar to Keith's to protect him from being shot to death. Secondly, this hardened material that protected Keith and Karin was never seen before. What was it.. Why did it protect them... Keith felt like Halaya was somewhere around, looking at him and it was some sort of her magical power's interference. But no, she couldn't be seen around. "What's this?!" asked Karin in shockingly worried tone as she found themselves surrounded by some green crystal like hardened material making a circle all around them. Seeing this green crystal making a sheild around them to protect them, Arthur ordered everyone around to retreat. In no time, all helicopters circling above their heads went back to Mansion from where they came. Keith felt like Arthur knew something about it, and he wanted to hide it from the world, so he retreated in such a hurry. But what had broken Keith's existence into piece
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