062. Didn't mean anything

The tall man stepped leisurely with his two lips smiling crookedly. Just now he got news that Theodoric, the figure who tried to be the hero of the people in the presidential palace disappeared.

He didn't expect that this kind of opportunity would come back to him.

The figure who was none other than Jackson walked into the presidential palace. Although for a moment turned to the yard and smiled when he saw the zombies began to move, freed from the power that froze them.

Jackson increasingly believes, if the information from Arlan who is said to follow Theodoric's friend and see for himself how Theodoric suddenly disappeared on a large rock on a hill.

Jackson felt enthusiastic, now there will be no more people who will stop him. He went ahead with his original plan to make a deal with the president.

Jackson, who was about to enter the palace, was shocked when his body was pulled and carried onto the roof of the presidential palace.

Elma, who had just pulled him, now looked at the young
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