Within the deepest recesses of her mind, Hikari's feet trembled uncontrollably. Within the span of seconds, strategies flowed within her mind, thinking of possible routes to take to finally gain the upper hand, but couldn't find any.

He was just that much of a formidable foe. A deluge of self-doubt washed over her as she questioned her own worth.

Hikari felt like her opponent could see right through her, reading her every thought and emotion.

'Every plan I think of has a counter. His abilities are too versatile,' she thought. 'There must be a way. Even if it's just a glitch in his technique, but, what is it?'

She began to analyze. There must a way. Her thought process finally recognized the subtle but effective moment when Yami couldn't backfire her blizzard attack. This realization led to her breaking a smirk.

'That's it! As powerful as the technique is, I believe his brain process has a limit to how many events he can react to at a time,' she theorized. 'Thus, I need to spam my tech
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