Pawns on the Chess board

Early in the morning - Ruti, perplexed and fast sinking in disbelief, stood in the small living quarters of the garage. In front of her was the television.

A picture of Mr. Zero was displayed on the TV as the newscaster announced, "Now, in our developing story: the police have confirmed that the man who shot the late President has been identified as Gilbert Zero. The assailant was shot dead as he tried to escape from Police custody."

It had been three days since Mr. Zero was shot.

Ruti turned the television off and stealthily reached for the medium shifting spanner. She tip-toed to the small wooden bed where Mr. Zero laid. He groaned and stretched, as his eyes blinked at fast intervals.

Ruti had towered over his wounded body that was only covered in a boxer short and bandages that ran around his abdomen.

Ruti raised her hand, ready to hit Mr. Zero. "You're the bastard that killed the President. You robbed the woman of her husband. You orphaned those kids. It's either I kill you o
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