The Royal Party

She could hear the cheers from the men inside the large hall and that made her sigh.

Yet again, another cheer erupted and as the voices seemed to shake the foundations of the castle itself, Miranda shuddered.

Why could they take so much joy and privilege in doing unnecessary Things? She knew she was not perfect, however, she understood the responsibility that came with being a royal.

Most of the time, a royal would have to forfeit their happiness for the sake of the people. That was a fact that, sadly, her older brother did not understand.


She exclaimed as the maid pulled the ropes behind her dress tighter than she'd expected. For the sake of the ridiculous party, she was meant to wear the ridiculous dress as well.

The maid, however, did not appear to read her mind. She just kept on with her business.


Another pull.

However, at that time, the maid stopped and looked at her.

"Did I do something wrong, princess?" She asked politely. She was about Sixteen or seventeen and Miranda could remember when they first brought her into the palace. She looked so small then, probably about ten or so. Miranda had picked her to be her maid and she treated the girl more like a sister.

"No, Ashley. You did not do anything wrong. It's just that I am absent-minded and this dress is ridiculous." Miranda said and sighed. But Ashely smiled instead.

"You look, beautiful princess. It is no secret that you are the most beautiful woman in this kingdom. I wish I can attend the party to see the faces of all of those royals pining after you." Ashely said and Miranda smiled.

That never got old. The truth was, most of the royal men came to parties like that because of her. She was a beauty, she knew, but she was also thirty-two, and by Elderien's standard, about six years too ripe for marriage.

But she was the princess and because of that, those rules did not apply to her, well, not all the time.

"The men in that hall are all morons. Judging a woman's worth by the wealth her husband has and sitting down, drinking while their soldiers starve at the war front. They should all be ashamed of themselves and those are not the kind of men that I would want to spend the rest of my life with."

Miranda added and took a look at herself in the mirror. She was ready to go.

The green dress she was wearing made her yellow skin shine even more. Her hair was neatly parked in a Style, something Ashely had spent all afternoon thinking about. Then her shoes were green as well, her fingers were long and delicate and her lips were pouty and red.

But then, there was her eye, those Amber eyes which could steal the soul of anyone who dared to look too deeply. Miranda was a thing of beauty and the entire kingdom, even beyond, knew of this fact.

"I guess it is time to go to a party then." She said and walked out of her room.

Along the hallway, she received bows and respect from all the servants that saw her. There was no question that she was beloved by all in the palace, well, not all.

She took a turn before Ashely came rushing down to her, holding a large fan made from peacock feathers in her hand

"Princess, you forgot this." She said and handed the fan to Miranda. Her father had gifted her the fan, in an elaborate event to celebrate her resourcefulness in the palace and she was meant to always hold it.

But that night, she had no interest in holding it. It appeared to be a betrayal of the soldiers at the border that she should hold on to something so precious.

"Take it back. I will not hold it today." She said to Ashley who froze.

"But, princess, the king..."

"I will handle my father. Just take it back." She said again and Ashely nodded. As Miranda walked away, Ashely could not help but worry. There was a big chance things would go awry in the hall. She only wished she could be there to support the princess.

Miranda, on the other hand, kept her head up high as she walked towards the large door leading to the hall. Two guards were standing there and when they saw her, they quickly opened up for her.

"Princess Miranda of Elderien. Fairest among them all. The apple of the capital."

The announcer said in his usually loud voice that could attract the attention of everyone inside the hall when he spoke, no matter how far or how loud it appeared to be.

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