The mysterious saviour
*Few days before meeting Alastair*

Cara watched as the man she was targeting made a pass toward a tavern. There weren't a lot of people outside at that time. She crunched behind the large empty barrels and observed the man go inside. He was rich and she knew that fact. She needed t steal from him, or like she always says 'pick his pocket.'

She did not consider herself a thief, at least not a real one. So when the man had gone inside, she slowly stepped out of her hiding place and proceeded to go in. A cart filled with wine suddenly pulled up before her and she had to jerk back to avoid getting hit.

"Watch where you're going, boy!" The Rider spat.

She scoffed right at his face and walked into the tavern. She dressed like a boy. It was her trademark.

There was a large man at the door who would have refused her access but luckily for her, he turned away for a moment and she quickly dashed inside.

She was able to locate the man she wanted to steal from. He was gambling at a table and they
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