
It was...him. Alastair gazed at the man who was a striking replica of him and wondered if his eyes were deceiving him. The man stood on the spot and kept on grinning, something which the Werewolves found very offensive.

The leader of the Werewolves stepped forward and even from his walks, you could see spite and anger all over him.

"You, bloody thief. I was wondering why you-him was so different. He isn't a worm like you are. He is much more headstrong. Where is the egg?" The man asked but Alastair's doppelganger feigned deafness.

"I can't hear you clearly. Could you walk closer? That would be much appreciated." He yelled. The Werewolf scoffed at his audacity.

"Where is my fucking egg?" He yelled but the other man nodded.

"Oh, that? I'm sorry but I used it. It did not give me the desired results though. Are you sure it was original? It did not seem like it was." The doppelganger added and that made the Werewolves growl.

"But you can let him go now. He is not a part of our fight. Truth
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