Werewolves (3)

Fristborn and Cara followed the man who had introduced himself as Ben as he combed through the woods. He was their only chance of helping Alastair and the fact that he has Alastair's face was something Cara could not comprehend. Were they brothers? Alastair never spoke of having a brother. Was it just a resemblance? They couldn't tell. They just had to get Alastair first and then perhaps other things will follow.

"Come on, we need to be quick about this," Ben whispered and took a turn, going left. A large owl flew past him, startling him for a moment and making him curse.

He shot a quick glance at Cara and Fristborn who kept observing him like he was some thief. Ben scoffed.

"I do not appreciate those eyes. Why don't we change the expression?" He asked them

"We did not do anything wrong. Or is it a crime to look?" Cara asked him.

"You, young lady are very rude. You must work on that tongue of yours. Do you not wish to find a husband someday?" Ben asked. Cara was about to reply when F
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