Sardines Or Roses (2)
“Lovely aroma,” Sultan mumbled as he spritzed the clothes he had just put on with a fresh, scented perfume.

Even without the perfume, he would have smelled heavenly due to the body scrub and shampoo he had used while bathing.

He ran a comb through his hair and looked at himself in the mirror. "Dashing," he commented, admiring the way the sweatshirt and sweatpants looked on him.

He smiled satisfactorily as he picked up the tarot card from the table and slipped it into the pocket of his sweatpants.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to do the deal you wanted," he mumbled to the card in his pocket. "You feel cheated, and I understand that. But I promise I'll go to your world as soon as everything is sorted out, okay?"

"You've already done so much for me, and you're still doing more," Sultan continued to speak to the tarot card in his pocket. "Even if your world is a crazy one, I owe you this at least," he added, still admiring his reflection in the mirror.

Earlier, Sultan had taken
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