Fuck With Air

“What?” Bosy asked.

“I need some fucking air,” Ken said, tracking Donghae’s movements across the ballroom.

“Balcony, out that way,” Bosy said and gestured with his glass. “Leave Hero with me?”

Ken scoffed and then pushed Meer up. He took Meer’s hand. He barely managed to smile at the men he passed on his way to the balcony. He kept Donghae in his line of sight, and made sure that Donghae saw him slip outside.

The balcony was large, and there were already couples around it, engrossed in each other’s bodies. Ken led Meer to a shadowy nook created by two columns. He held him tightly and took shuddering breaths. “Fuck, this night is just getting fucking worse.”

Five minutes passed, and then Donghae appeared in front of them. He lit a cigarette. Ken grabbed his arm, and practically threw him against a column.

“Ow, Ken, that hurt,” Donghae said and rubbed his shoulder.

“Tell me. Now.”

Donghae’s eyes flicked to Meer. “I’d rather not.”

“Trust me. It’s alright if he hears.”

“I don’t trust slav
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