Chapter 46

As the dust settled, the students looked around in awe at what they had just accomplished. They had defeated the Dark Wizard and his army, saved the school, and protected the future of magic.

As they celebrated their victory, the students also mourned those who had fallen in battle. They held a ceremony to honor the brave wizards and witches who had sacrificed their lives for the greater good.

The school was rebuilt, and the students returned to their studies, determined to become even more skilled in the magical arts. The defeat of the Dark Wizard had inspired a new era of unity and cooperation among the wizarding world, and the students felt proud to be a part of it.

But little did they know, another threat was brewing on the horizon. A new Dark Wizard had emerged, more powerful and cunning than any before him. He had been biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike.

This Dark Wizard had a plan to enslave the wizarding world, using his vast knowledge of magic to create p
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