153 - The Call
Giana is back with warm tea, and then offers it to Sofia. But she doesn’t stay there for too long. She immediately leaves that office again.

And of course, Alex notices that the girl deliberately lets him be alone with Sofia. He also notices that Boris is no longer there either.

He simply shakes his head, and intends to make his business with Sofia as short as possible.

“Sorry! I come here only to borrow your money! I have to travel to Jakarta tomorrow. Maybe I can get a clue about Elly's whereabouts there. If not, I will continue my search to Singapore, and maybe Thailand too,” explains Alex.

Sofia is silent for a moment. She gets an impression that Alex is only looking for their daughter without any clues, and simply going to places in desperation.

“Do you really believe she might be in these countries?” she asks unsurely. “Is she really still alive?”

Alex takes a deep breath. “Do you think I do this out of my ignorance? The person who kidnapped Elly had sold her to a child tra
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