Chapter 206 - The Betrayals


“Dear brother, it’s been a while.”

The young man suddenly smiled brightly after reaching Rex Magnus, but unfortunately, Rex Magnus couldn’t do a thing.

Despite this, the look in his eyes already showed everything in his mind which only made the young man chuckle brightly.

“Hahaha, yes, you have thought right, my dear brother. It was your sweet and precious May that poisoned you.”

The moment Rex Magnus heard this, despite the great effort it took, he forced his eyes to gaze at May pleadingly, as if begging her to say it was a lie, but the moment he saw the look on her face, his eyes redden, and he would have been screaming ‘why’ right now if he was still at the control of his body.

Although he already knew the truth, he still doesn’t want to believe it at all, so Rex Magnus continued gazing pleadingly at May despite his eyes having turned crimson red.

Seeing this, the young man before Rex Magnus looked even greater.

Smiling brightly, he co
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