Chapter hundred sixty four

Sonya couldn't believe her eyes, she gasped and that was how she fell into the orbit who was right behind her. One of them caught her swiftly and everyone quickly called for the company doctor.

Chris remained calm. She was just in shock and would no doubt be revived with a little air and water. He could only imagine what it felt like to be thrown down after such years in power.

"Where have you been, son?" Pa Pete asked and Julius only smiled. He was a spitting image of his twin, Evans Robinson and he didn't look like the years had treated him badly at all.

Some of the men on the table who knew that their hands were stained and they'd been working with Sonya to condemn Christian, all looked down in shame because they could face him or Julius. "Now that you're back, what will be the fate of the executive board?" One of them mustered the courage to ask. But that wasn't really what he meant and everyone could tell. He was trying to find out what Julius would do to them that had gotten
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