The Hidden Successor In Disguise
The Hidden Successor In Disguise
Author: SHIROE
Chapter 1

"What does a poor man like you have? Not only are you poor, you're an uneducated servant's son! How dare you want to marry me!" Charlotte scolded the man in front of her. Her voice was so loud that some of the passing servants looked at her questioningly.

The woman glared with her arms crossed over her chest, looking haughty.  Meanwhile, the man who was insulted by Charlotte still looked calm. Aldrich was not bothered in the slightest by the insults of Charlotte who was the first daughter of the owner of this house.

A spacious and majestic house in an elite housing complex, with a large garden-like front yard full of beautiful flowers of various types and colors. The atmosphere was peaceful, comfortable, and refreshing to the eyes of anyone who looked.

Another man beside Charlotte, looked at Aldrich with a contemptuous gaze. "So, this is the man your father is going to match you up with? From his face alone, he already looks stupid and useless!"

This was the first time Jake and Aldrich had met. As soon as he heard the news about Aldrich, he didn't like it. The first impression of meeting him was terrible. Jake saw Aldirch from head to toe. Aldirch's appearance of wearing ordinary clothes, no expensive items, and the son of a butler in the Ledger family. Certainly a lowly man. Not worthy of them.

Charlotte chuckled. "Anyone would know that. Just because your father was credited with saving my father, you proudly want to marry me? You're shameless!"

Jake raised one eyebrow. "Inappropriate! When you're with this man, it looks like a servant and a princess."

"In that case, don't grow a big head! You fool!" Charlotte shook her head, staring contemptuously.

Rhodes, Aldrich's father had indeed risked his life to save Berthan, the lord of this house who was Charlotte's father.

At that time, Berthan had asked Rhodes to take him somewhere. Who would have guessed that on the way, the car they were traveling in was hit from behind and rolled on the asphalt due to the negligence of another driver.

Rhodes was bounced out of the car, while Berthan's legs were trapped in the middle of the crushed car body. Rhodes managed to save Berthan out of the car, but the crushed car body fell on Rhodes' body.

Everyone at the scene did not dare to come closer as their car was emitting thick smoke accompanied by small flames from the front hood. Rhodes was crushed, unable to get out at all.

"Go! Save yourself, sir. The car is going to explode!" Rhodes urged Berthan.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger. Berthan had no choice but to save himself. Just moments away, an explosion could be heard along with the car being smashed into pieces in the middle of the road.

Due to his father's death, Aldirch returned to pay his last respects. But to his surprise, Aldirch instead received news of a marriage. At Rhodes' funeral, Berthan announced that he would marry Aldirch to Charlotte.

Berthan vowed in front of the crowd that he would marry them as a token of his gratitude to Rhodes.

"I am a person who always keeps my word firmly." Berthan's voice was loud for all to hear. "I will never be able to sleep peacefully until I fulfill my promise."

The announcement shocked everyone into disbelief. How could the daughter of a wealthy lord marry the son of the butler in the Ledger family?

"Are you out of your mind? I don't want to marry a butler's son like him! And I already have a lover!" protested Charlotte at the time.

Everyone watching agreed with her. It was certainly an insult to a beautiful girl like her.

Jake put his arm around Charlotte's shoulders. "I can't imagine you marrying this lowlife. The Ledger family's image would be tainted with a foul stain!"

"Honey, my head is spinning at the thought of such a disgusting thing. I would never want to marry a lowly, uneducated, despicable man like him!"

"That was your father's request. Have you forgotten that?" Aldirch opened his voice.

Charlotte clucked in annoyance. "Why didn't you refuse? You could have run away and objected to the arranged marriage."

"Or is it because you really want Charlotte's treasure?" Jake accused between laughs.

Imagining what Charlotte's marriage to Aldirch would have been like sent chills down Charlotte's spine. She who usually lived in abundance and never felt any hardship, would not be able to endure the poverty of marriage with the butler's son in her own home. Of course that would be a nightmare.

Aldirch grinned. "I don't need your treasure!"

"My, how arrogant is this lowly man! Then, why didn't you refuse, damn it?" Charlotte was getting furious. Her eyes flashed with anger.

"Fortunately, there's a more suitable replacement for him," Jake said.

Charlotte laughed. "You're right. One uneducated lowlife fool and another lowlife fool, the bastard child of an affair! Isn't that a perfect match?"

Jake and Charlotte burst out laughing. They were satisfied with Berthan's decision to finally marry Aldirch and Selena, Berthan's illegitimate child for a reason.

Aldirch frowned. "So, you guys are the masterminds who framed me and Selena?"

Berthan's decision changed because Selena was caught unconscious, asleep in Aldirch's room. This caused debate and public discussion. News that tarnished the Ledger family's reputation.

Jake leaned forward, grinning. "If we're the masterminds, what are you doing stupid?"

Jake proudly admitted to setting Selena and Aldrich up so that Charlotte wouldn't marry that man.

Charlotte clung to Jake's arm. "You should be thanking us for bringing you together."

Aldirch rolled his eyes in annoyance. He had indeed suspected that the incident was not merely a coincidence. It turned out that they had planned it.

Charlotte let go of Jake's arm. She walked slowly around Aldrich with a haughty look on her face. "You deserve to marry that bastard Selena. You two are a perfect match! Both poor and useless. Two despicable fools!"

Jake raised his eyebrows. "Yes, a perfect match."

"I wish you all the best with your wedding!" Charlotte laughed. Of course, she didn't mean it in the truest sense of the word.

"Thank you," Aldrich replied casually.

Suddenly his answer was met with contemptuous laughter by Charlotte and Jake. "Thank you, he said. What a stupid man!"

"At least he knows thanks. A poor man like him, uneducated. Isn't that a great improvement? Phenomenal!" Charlotte seemed content to insult Aldrich.

Jake clapped his hands. "Bravo! You must have learned that from your father. A servant should be grateful to his employer for giving him the opportunity to earn a living!"

Jake and Charlotte burst out laughing again. The sound of their laughter was so loud that it could be heard at the end of the garden where the servants accidentally passed by and saw the scene. They didn't dare to approach, just quietly watched from a distance.

"So, that's the butler Rhodes' son?" asked the maid.

"Yes, that's the man Lord Berthan said he would marry off to Miss Charlotte. Such a poor man, dreaming of becoming a rich man!" insulted the male servant.

They looked at Aldrich's appearance. "Seen from a distance like this alone, that man is not worthy. Even lower than us."

The servants gossiped contemptuously about Aldrich. "Fortunately, Lord Berthan's final decision was not to marry off Lady Charlotte to such a foolish man."

Jake grinned. He approached Aldrich and pushed the man. "Do I have to repeat myself? I don't think your stupid brain can handle what I'm saying!"

Jake chuckled. Deep green eyes with strong stern facial lines, clearly depicted his rugged demeanor.

Aldirch looked sharply at Jake. "Don't touch me."

Making Charlotte's lover raise both hands while smirking with a contemptuous look. "Oh, how arrogant you fool."

Charlotte chuckled. "You're just getting your hands dirty, darling. Rubbish seems useless."

"I'm guessing you'll have a very simple wedding with the poor in attendance!" Jake laughed as he said this.

"Oh, definitely. And our wedding, it's going to be very fancy with all the expensive decorations. The guests won't be just anybody, but the biggest names and most successful businessmen in town!" Charlotte's eyes lit up, imagining what her and Jake's wedding would be like.

Jake nodded. "You will be the most beautiful princess in the entire universe."

Charlotte imagined herself wearing a beautiful white dress. "Of course. Unlike that stupid couple. Selena and a servant's son  like him, would only wear cheap shabby wedding clothes!"

Aldrich shook his head casually in response to them. "Of course my wedding will be very luxurious compared to yours."

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