Chapter Twenty: The Arcane Circle

The Arcane Circle was the main governing body that oversaw all matters concerning arcane magic and witchcraft in the mortal realm. The organization was extremely widespread to includea vast majority of all magic users worldwide. It provided for its members a place to commune together, a safe haven to practice and further their mystical arts under the tutelage of other older and far more experienced mages. In return, its members were assigned different positions and tasks that were either aimed at furthering the faction's strength, gathering resources or defending their territory and all that was theirs.

Unlike the spells they used, ranks are divided into Classes in the Arcane Circle. The divisions were done based on some military titles. Starting from the lowest, the ranking went from Private-Class, Lieutenant-Class, Captain-Class, Commander-Class, Colonel-Class and the highest class obtainable by any normal mage, the General-Class. Above even that was the Elder-Class but that was
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