Buying the Verrazzano Bridge

Chairman Damien Malone sat in the back of his sleek black Jeep, feeling a mixture of excitement and frustration. It was his first day in office as the new chairman, and he knew that a multitude of people were eagerly waiting for his arrival. However, an unexpected obstacle had thrown a wrench in his plans.

Kai, his trusted companion and security detail, stood outside the vehicle holding onto his automated rifle. He glanced at Damien through the tinted mirror and sighed before speaking up. "Chairman, I'm sorry to say that we are going nowhere for now. The bridge ahead has been closed off for some unknown reason."

Damien's brows furrowed in concern. "Closed off? But we were assured that all necessary arrangements were made for my smooth transition into office. This delay is highly inconvenient."

Kai nodded sympathetically. "I understand your frustration, sir, but it seems like something unexpected has occurred. The authorities haven't provided any details yet."

Damien sighed heavily, realizing the gravity of the situation. He couldn't afford to disappoint the people who were eagerly anticipating his arrival. Determination glinted in his eyes as he leaned forward, his finger adorned with a diamond-plated ring pointing towards the bridge. "Is there any way we can bypass the bridge?"

Kai, ever the cautious one, responded immediately. "Not that I know of, sir. The entire road leading to the bridge is blocked with other cars, and there's no alternative route."

Damien mulled over the predicament for a moment before a mischievous smile played on his lips. He reached for his phone, a device provided to him by The Oracle, and began scrolling through it. The sight that greeted him made him almost burst into laughter. He had made an astonishing $20 billion that morning alone. Now, he had an idea.

"Find out the price the government is willing to sell the bridge for to a private individual right now," Damien ordered, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Kai hesitated for a moment, realizing the exorbitant amount of money that would be involved. "But sir, it's going to cost a fortune..."

"Do as I say," Damien interjected firmly, cutting off Kai's objections.

Resigned to his fate, Kai left his post beside the Jeep mirror and swiftly entered the vehicle in front of Damien's. Moments later, he returned and gently knocked on the window of Damien's Jeep.

Damien rolled down the window, his eyes fixed on Kai. "Well, what did you find out?"

Kai took a deep breath. "The government officials insist that the bridge is not for sale to an individual. However, if you insist, they have quoted a price of no less than one hundred billion dollars."

Damien chuckled, his eyes flickering with amusement. He knew that offering such an exorbitant amount of money would be child's play for him. He peered back at his phone, verifying his immense wealth, and then looked at Kai. "Offer them two hundred billion dollars for immediate ownership of the bridge."

Kai's eyes widened, clearly taken aback. "But sir, isn't that too..."

"Do as I say," Damien interrupted, his voice leaving no room for argument.

"Yes, sir," Kai saluted and left, returning to the front Jeep to carry out Damien's command.

Sitting in the Jeep, Damien couldn't help but feel a slight pang of uncertainty. Using almost twenty percent of his wealth to purchase a bridge seemed excessive. However, he knew that the two hundred billion dollars he offered was just a fraction of his total net worth. He reassured himself, confident that he would recoup the money within a few days.

Minutes later, Damien's phone chimed with a notification. He eagerly read the message, which confirmed his ownership of the Verrazano Bridge. A smile spread across his face, and Kai appeared by his side.

"You now have the permission to reopen the bridge, sir. It's officially yours," Kai announced, a hint of pride in his voice.

"Let's proceed to the office," Damien instructed, his grin widening. He felt an intoxicating rush of power and wealth surging through his veins.

"Yes, sir," Kai replied, saluting playfully. They exchanged smiles, both reveling in their newfound position of authority. The order was given to the toll booth operators to reopen the bridge under the new owner's command.

Responding to Damien's will, the gate swung open, granting access to the gleaming structure. Damien returned his attention to his tablet, where a news report captured his interest.

"Just in! The renowned billionaire and visionary, Damien Malone, the new chairman of The Nexus Mining Corp, has acquired The Verrazano Bridge for an astounding sum of two hundred billion dollars. The government couldn't resist such a tempting offer - News Caster: Thank you for joining us, Senator. Can you shed some light on the reasons behind the sale of the Verrazzano Bridge to billionaire Damien Malone?

Senator: Certainly, it's my pleasure to be here. The sale of the Verrazzano Bridge to Damien Malone was primarily driven by a need for infrastructure development and the financial benefits it brings. As we all know, maintaining and upgrading aging infrastructure is a significant challenge for governments, especially when faced with limited budgets.

News Caster: And why was Damien Malone specifically chosen as the buyer?

Senator: Damien Malone's reputation as a billionaire and visionary played a crucial role in his selection as the buyer. His company record of successful business ventures and commitment to investing in infrastructure development were important factors. Furthermore, his proposal included substantial funds for necessary upgrades and maintenance of the bridge, ensuring its longevity and safety.

News Caster: Some critics argue that privatizing such a critical piece of infrastructure could lead to increased tolls and limited public access. What measures are in place to address these concerns?

Senator: That's a valid concern, and we understand the apprehension. However, the sale agreement includes that Damien Malone can increase or lower the tolls anytime he wishes, but there are caps on toll increases, ensuring that they remain reasonable and don't burden commuters excessively. Additionally, public access to the bridge will be maintained, and the new owner is obligated to meet certain service standards, such as maintaining proper road conditions and ensuring the bridge's structural integrity with…" Damien cut off the tablet before the news report could continue. A grin spread across his face as he realized the magnitude of his newfound power and wealth. It seemed as if the entire world was now within his grasp with unlimited resources.

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