Chapter 313 - War Drums

At last, the long-anticipated moment had arrived. The sun blazed fiercely in the sky, its rays reflecting off the brilliant white sand of the beach. The atmosphere was tense, and the air was filled with a sense of determination.

Mr. Glitzy stood at the head of the battle line, surveying the expanse of the ocean that lay between them and their opponents. He was aware of the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders, knowing that the outcome of this battle would decide the fate of the truth. His resolve was unwavering.

The opposing force drew closer, and the tension increased with each passing second. Mr. Glitzy took a deep breath, then spoke: "It all comes down to this," he declared.

Despite the bright sun beaming down from a cloudless sky, a palpable tension hung in the air. Far away in the horizon, a dark shadow was quickly growing larger and closer. It could only be one thing – The Hunter and his ruthless troops.

Mr. Glitzy felt every muscle in his body tense as the enemy ap
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