Chapter 312 - City Control

As expected, Southlake City did not escape supervision to Arthur's watchful eye, just like Utopia Island before it.

He couldn't help but smirk at his own genius move - exploiting Johan's loyalty to gain control over the city and its inhabitants.

With thousands of Johan's subordinates at his disposal, Arthur had established a network that spread across every inch of Southlake City. From the bustling streets to the quiet alleys, his men were everywhere, discreetly keeping an eye on any potential threats.

These were not your average lackeys either. They were handpicked by Johan himself, chosen for their exceptional physical strength and combat skills.

Some even possessed superhuman abilities, thanks to the enhanced meteorite fragments provided by Johan.

But what truly made them formidable was their ability to blend in with the masses. Dressed in plain attire like ordinary citizens, they moved unnoticed amongst the crowd, each one connected to an earpiece that kept them in constant commun
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