The  Journey Unknown( In Search Of An Ex)
The Journey Unknown( In Search Of An Ex)
Author: Amanfu
A Wicked Divorce Document

Don Marcello. Would he regret it at last if Melissa finds a suitor?

Young madam, as she was known by the domestic staff sat at her vanity table doing the final beauty regime as she does.

She had just been attended to by the chief maid who styled her hair. But in her situation, she hears and obeys those inner voices: A little retouch, here, yes.

All to get back her husband's attention

Picking her little comb for a bit of a retouch in her hair, hoping she would look cute, she felt a movement of somebody walking in.

It was Don Marcello, her husband.

He stopped at her back groaned her name maiden name and handed her an envelope.

Her eyes glittered with the envelope bearing the maiden name: Melissa Cole.

"Toasting afresh?" Her fingers trembled, pulling out the paper in the white envelope.

Exasperated, she rested the back of her neck on the edge of the chair at the vanity table.

A while later, she read it again. A divorce paper duly signed. "Don Marcello." she nodded. It dawned on her, his coming home feigning tipsy and crashing on the bed.

"Why? Why?" she was asking herself, thinking of where she was doing wrong." I have tried to improve my look in case I was the cause. Or cuz we have no heir yet?"

The more she kept speculating, the more imaginations swirled in her head.

She threw the document into a drawer and walked away.

For three years, of living together with Melissa, Don Marcello had never for once complained about her.

He read the punishment for anyone who broke the law of omerta, and for the three years they were together, she did not even whisper of knowing anything.

He was an online drug trafficker with his platform Neil Road 2.0

But only the two know. What did Don Marcello see in her now?

The divorce document he gave her to sign, was like a conspiracy with a lawyer. Why?

There was no line of settlement agreement.

Who was Melissa not to sign it?

Melissa thought over the abuses she had gotten from him recently and the divorce threat became the last stroke that broke the camel's back.

She picked up the document from the drawer and signed the divorce, picked up her chaplet, and counted her prayer as she did.

She never abandoned her religious faith even when things were going well.

The chief maid walked in, eagerness in her eyes.

She whispered " What is the problem? Tell me."

She was on the domestic staff before Melissa was married three years ago. She knew Don Marcello had a girlfriend who became an ex. She had just driven in.

"I don't know." Melissa bared her mind. " He gave me a divorce paper to sign and go. "

"And you signed? Just like that? Any alimony? "

"To hell with his alimony, Mama Rebecca." Melissa bullshitted Don Marcello and grabbed her bag, going.

"Oh. A little girl! " Mama Rebecca, sympathizing with Melissa, heard Don Marcello's footsteps and hurried away.

Where would she go as she signed the divorce document? Her mother was dead. To the stepmother?

Don Marcello, asked "Has she gone? "

"Yes, master," answered Mama Rebecca.

"We have a new Madam. Hope you knew her? " asked Don Marcello.

Angelica, appeared before Don Marcello as he spoke to Mama Rebecca.

"She's our chief maid," said Don Marcello, introducing Mama Rebecca to Angelica.

She knew her. Both of them walked back into the room.

Angelica was the replacement for the humble Melissa.

If the second cut proves to be the deepest, would he regret divorcing Melissa? It would be a severe regret if Melissa found another man.

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