Chapter 225

Benedict was surprised by the scream of the person who had just arrived. He and Luke looked at the person.

"What do you mean by yelling like that?" Benedict thought that the person was a little rude for shouting at him.

Moreover, in front of him now was the Prince who would continue the royal throne here.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Benedict, but I just got news about the Upper King, who has regained consciousness, that's why I was so rash to convey this to you and the prince."

The man spoke excitedly, and Luke immediately got off his bed, he acted as if nothing had happened earlier. He was immediately grabbed by Benedict.

"Great Grandpa, don't get in my way. I want to see my father now!" He said it in a firm voice, Benedict was quite surprised, but he smiled because his great-grandson was a person with charisma.

"I don't want to stop you at all, I just want to go with you." He smiled, making Luke nod his head, and he immediately walked along with Benedict. They walked very quickly until they fin
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