The Legendary Sun Archer
The Legendary Sun Archer
Author: GafaFayya
Newest Game Released


"Welcome. Do you want to use a capsule or use a computer ?" Lee Seung Tsu offered to a customer who had just entered the internet cafe where he worked.


"Tonight you are working late again, Mr. Lee" The customer greeted Lee Seung Tsu.

"Of course. I have to work or earn a lot of money for my sister's studies."

"Give me a game capsule for 2 hours"

"All Right, please wait"


Lee Seung Tsu is a part-time worker at an internet cafe. He is in charge of preparing equipment such as capsules or computers if there are customers who want to use them.

In Korea, the use of capsules as media for playing games has been popular since a year ago. Several large companies are starting to switch from conventional games that require hardware with certain specifications to virtual reality games.

Most game companies in Korea have now released virtual reality versions of their games. The company's reason for doing this is that the technology business is increasingly advanced and can make it easier for companies to compete in the gaming world.

Especially for medium-sized entrepreneurs, games with virtual reality versions are very profitable for them. Internet cafe entrepreneurs can now provide computers with high specifications just to be able to use certain games.

When using game capsules, they can use them for games that the manufacturer has connected to play in the game capsules.


“Mr. Lee, have you heard about the game which will be released in a few minutes?” The customer asked Lee Seung Tsu about the new game which will be released in a few minutes.

"You mean Authority?"

"That's right, The Royal Company as the developer of the authority game claims that their game is 1000 times better than any other virtual reality game available in Korea or even in the world"

"Isn't that common in the game industry? Every time a company releases a new game, they always claim that its game is the best.

Some of them even claim that they can make money in the game to get rich. But in the end, the game doesn't make money but instead drains money from the players to make deposits and buy the various items contained in it."

Lee Seung Tsu at that time thought that all the games created in Korea were the same thing. Developers are always spreading rumors that their game is the best and can make money in the real world.

However, as far as Lee Seung Tsu knows, the opposite is true. Players who are addicted to the game are willing to deposit hundreds of thousands of Won just to buy an in-game item.

"No, you should give Authority a try. This game is different from its predecessors which only used promotional media to spread rumors that they were games that made money."

"What's the difference? I don't follow the details of Authority so I don't know much about it." Lee Seung Tsu asked his customers about the news.

"Before that, What's your name? I will register the game capsule at your request."

"Huang Shin Xia"


"Are you Chinese? You don't look like someone from China." Lee Seung Tsu confirmed to a customer named Huang Shin Xia that he was Chinese.

"I only have Chinese ancestry. My grandmother and grandfather are from China. However, as you can see, even I don't have the characteristics of being of Chinese descent." Huang Shin Xia told Lee Seung that many people had said the same about him.


"Back to the game of Authority. This game is different from other games due to the developers of the game itself. The Royal Company as the parent responsible for the development of the game of Authority has been working with governments in various countries for the currency exchange rate in Authority." Huang Shin Xia explained that Authority's development company is seriously in talks with various countries to integrate digital currency into games.

"What do you mean by unified digital currency?" Lee Seung Tsu asked Huang Shin Xia.

"You know about Cryptocurrency ?" Huang Shin Xia asked.

"Of course. What is the relationship between the two?"

"The Royal Company as the developer of the Authority game stated that the currency used in the game is Nars.

They have agreed with several countries that the basic value of Nars is 1 to 1 with the US dollar. This means that 1 Nars will be worth $1." Huang Shin Xia explained to Lee Seung that the Royal company as the parent company of Authority developers has prepared a currency that is agreed upon by several countries in the world as the official currency.

Apart from that, Huang Shin also explained that the nars currency had started to be traded on the crypto market. He explained that trading the authority game currency in the crypto market, it would make the game increase.

Authority players can sell the Nars they own from Authority games in the crypto market to exchange for real money.

Lee Seung Tsu was quite surprised by the seriousness shown by the Royal Company as the developer of the authority game in preparing the economic climate of the game.

Lee Seung knew that several virtual reality game developers were previously only concerned with advertising and game development without integrating games with real life. Lee Seung Tsu became quite interested in the game that Huang Shin Xia mentioned.

"Very well, Master Huang. I have already made arrangements for your game capsule. You may head to capsule number 34."

"Thank you, my friend. You join us. I don't think Uncle Dong will scold you for playing Authority either." Huang Shin Xia then headed to her game capsule to start the game which would be launched in a few moments.

Lee Seung Tsu then tried to find out information about the release of the Authority game. Based on his information, it turns out that the game Authority will be launched in less than an hour in the world.

Lee Seung Tsu then also checked the value of the Nars coin on the coin market. At that time, the value of the Nars against the dollar increased significantly.

At that time, Lee Seung witnessed that 1 Nars was equivalent to $3.24. This means that the Nars currency or which will be used as the official currency within the Authority has increased quite rapidly to coincide with the release of the game.

"Join to play like other young people." The owner of the internet cafe where Lee Seung Tsu works suddenly appears and orders Lee Seung Tsu to also play in the game.

"Uncle Dong,..."

"You surprised me. No need uncle, I'm at work. I'm not interested in the game anyway." Lee Seung Tsu tried to tell the internet cafe owner that he was not interested in playing Authority.

However, Lee Seung Tsu was intrigued by the possibility that Authority could make money playing games. The owner of the internet cafe knew that Lee Seung Tsu wanted this opportunity to help with his family's finances.

"Come in. I'll be in charge of the shop and arrange for the next customer. If you have any objections to this opportunity, just pretend you're working."

"You are my employment, and Authority is a game that will be released and make it big shortly. I ask you to play along to help my business grow and keep up with the development of the game." The internet cafe owner explained that playing Lee Seung Tsu would be profitable for his business.

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