Chapter 92 - Completed

Ciara looked at the women.

One of them was her mom?

"Mom what are you doing here?" Ciara asked.

Everything was happening so soon and her mind was a mess.

Does her mother know Cole?

She could tell that the crying woman was Cole's mother but how is her mom involved?

Ciara took a second look at the woman and she realized that she was the one whom she saw with her mom that day at the cafê. What is going on?

When Marcus received Matt's call, his mother and Mira were still chatting he was starting to get worried. Why isn't Ciara here yet?

He wanted to put and end to everything today.

He has tried calling Ciara again but her phone was turned off. He was starting to get scared. He immediately excused himself from his mom and Mira and he went to answer the call.

"What is going on Matt?" Marcus asked. He knew that Matt and call him at this time if it wasn't for something important.

"Marcus... there's been an accident at the set where Ciara is filming" Matt said.

"What?!" Marcus yelled. He was s
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