Arms in Defiance

Uncle Raymond stood facing the skeptical shareholders, his brow furrowed in determination. Despite his best efforts to convince them, it appeared that his words were falling on deaf ears. The room was filled with an air of tension as the shareholders voiced their concerns about the financial implications of the decision at hand.

"I can't believe this. It's all about money," one shareholder remarked, crossing their arms in defiance. "We can't afford to lose our share, and all we get is you kneeling down to us?" The comment was met with murmurs of agreement from others around the table.

Ethan, Uncle Raymond's nephew, let out a soft chuckle before rising from his seat. He approached his uncle and asked him to stand back up, a look of determination in his eyes. With a deep breath, Ethan turned to face the shareholders, ready to tackle the situation head-on. His voice was steady as he spoke, his words carrying a sense of conviction and authority.

"We understand your concerns, but we are
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