Worshipper Arc. Chapter 41: All hail the King.

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 41: All hail the King.

Valoran and Demonlise take a look at the army and the Hyodi warriors who fought bravely against the Worshippers.

“I want to thank all of you, you have shown great bravery today. You honour me with your courage.” Valoran speaks sincerely.

His Troops and the Hyodi Warriors bow to him.

“ALL HAIL THE KING!” The Troops and Hyodi Worshippers speak with pride.

Valoran is proud to have such a great army who are loyal to him.

“My lord.” Demonlise speaks.

Valoran turns his head to face Demonlise.

“What should we do about the remaining Worshippers?” Demonlise question.

“A fair question Demonlise.” Valoran replies.

Valoran and Demonlise walk up to the leader of the Worshippers, Aegnor Aldon who is still alive.

Worshippers move out the way to give way to Valoran and Demonlise as they approach him.

“What will you do to us?” Aegnor questions.

“Your actions have cost the lives of many innocent people. You do know I cannot leave your actions
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