Chapter 14 : Who's Him?
Several fishermen were seen queuing in front of an old man named Mr. Frank. He handed out gold and silver coins. Until it was the turn of a young man named John who raised his hand to her. Mr. Frank gave John a sinister look.

“Here’s your paid!” said him as he handed over ten silver coins and seven gold coins.

John looked at the coin in his hand in disbelief, then looked at Mr. Frank.

“Sir, I already do this job so hard. I do my best to get more fish for you. Look! My fish is bigger than other people!”

John's voice made others around him feel offended.

“John, what do you want? If Mr. Frank gave you that much, that's your share!” said Grek, nephew of Mr. Frank.

“I can’t believe this! Why is it that only this old man's brother gets the bigger share!” John protested and grabbed Mr. Frank, “Hey, just so you know. Your brothers don't do any better than I do!”

John's eyes made Mr. Frank scared. Mr. Mason- the eldest brother of Mr. Frank – immediately grabbed John and pushed him to th
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