Abraham rose from his chair and looked at Johnathan with shock.

"Master Johnathan, what do you mean by that?! Are you seriously giving up on all of this and want to return home?!" Abraham asked enthusiastically.

Johnathan was left speechless as he looked at Abraham and was grimacing in confusion.

He never knew Abraham would react this way to what he said and it was like he was happy to hear him give up on the mission.

Abraham grinned "Even though we've already done this much, it's not too late to stop all of this and return home Master Johnathan," he said then dropped on his chair.

He immediately opened his desk drawer and searched for some documents which he started arranging, hoping to start packing what they needed so that they could leave this place first thing in the morning.

Johnathan cleared his throat when he had seen enough.

"What is it, Master Johnathan? Do you have a cough? Sore throat maybe? Don't worry, I'll be right there to check what's wrong but first lemme put these d
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