A couple of hours later, Anthony took in a deep but calm breath then opened his eyes slowly as he sighed peacefully.

The first thing he noticed is that he was facing the ceiling and the second is realizing that all the pain he had been feeling before had upped and vanished.

At the same time, he wasn’t surprised by the fact, he somewhat expected it but he had no idea why it was. Where did the strong feeling that he would be relieved from all pain come from? He wondered.

He brought his left hand to his field of vision which was the ceiling to stare at it.

He stared at his palm and then at the back of his hand, alternating multiple times while wiggling his fingers around and cracking the bones in his fingers until finally, he clenched his fist as tight as possible.

He was measuring what his current strength was and it was back to normal. At the same time, he felt like this normal strength that he had had his entire life is his weakest and he could get stronger.

The reason he felt like th
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