She saw the symbols Anthony had been talking about and she knew instantly that it was the exact box. The fact that it was floating made it more obvious.

"Woah, so that's what you were on about? What type of box is it?" Tessa asked as Anthony limped forward and grabbed the box.

The moment he touched it, the box stopped floating and fell into his hands to be taken out.

Anthony carried the box out of the hole he had created in the wall then he limped to the middle of the room while Tessa followed behind, wanting to see more of it.

"Silver, how on earth did you get something like this? It looks like one of those items you would find in voodoo shops" Tessa said as Anthony turned all sides of the box to inspect it.

"Someone gave it to me," Anthony said and Tessa creased her forehead.

"Someone? Someone like who, a witch?" She asked jokingly then looked at Anthony's face but he looked serious.

"Wait Silver, did a witch seriously give this to you?"

Anthony shrugged "I don't know but it might a
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