239. love it more and more

The poor man's Revenge 239

Lidia really couldn't hold it anymore, it felt like the world was starting to darken at that time, she couldn't any more endure even her body felt weak at that moment. Then suddenly everything went dark, the eyes reflexively closed and at that moment he immediately collapsed, until everything became very dark and he finally lost consciousness.

All of them who were there witnessed Lidia who then fainted, being very surprised, fear immediately haunted them.

They were afraid, what the girl said would happen, and what if Abimana would be furious because of what had happened at that time? They feel a little scared and goosebumps imagining it all.

They stared at each other, then before long they quickly rushed over.

“Oh my gosh, what have you done? How can you do all this? Hurry and help her.” said one of them with a rising intonation. He was angry with the man who had done all this to Lidia.

The woman lay down with a pale face, he no longer knows what
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