Chapter 164

Elizabeth couldn't stop thinking about King Morwen, Edward and Riko. She was afraid that the three of them had something wrong with them. Moreover, Elizabeth had heard that there was a black portal in the forest. She actually knew, but Elizabeth was reluctant to tell King Morwen when he asked her.

"Actually, where are they going?" asked Elizabeth to no one in particular.

Because of her anxiety, Elizabeth was looking for the three men. Moreover, Elizabeth was very worried about Edward. The fear in her was intensified by King Draco's arrival. Really, for the sake of everything Elizabeth was afraid that Edward would meet his biological father. What Elizabeth feared even more, was that King Draco would directly harm Edward. Elizabeth called out their names repeatedly but there was still no response.

"Edward! Morwen! Riko!" Elizabeth absented them one by one, but to no avail.

Elizabeth's health had not yet recovered, making her feel tired. Elizabeth's breathing was a little labored, her ch
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