Chapter 163

A feeling of doubt and indecision came over Edward's heart. His eyes stared deeply at the man lying helplessly below. Meanwhile, King Draco was incessantly provoking Edward to eliminate King Morwen without getting his own hands dirty. He wanted to make Edward the executioner for King Morwen's death.

"What are you waiting for, kill him immediately! Don't you hate Morwen too much?" Draco urged impatiently. There was a clear flash of resentment and anger in Edward's black bead. That glint of hatred he couldn't cover up in the slightest.

On the other hand, he also did not like Draco who was his father, even so he was also unlikely to kill his own father.

King Morwen's breathing was labored against the excruciating tightness. He knew these two villains had equally bad personalities. Fighting one alone would have left him dying, let alone Edward who was no different from Draco in terms of cruelty. King Morwen clutched his painful chest, he had no hope of living or saving himself in this we
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