Alexander approached Freya with a graceful stride, lowering his head in a polite bow as he spoke, "I extend my heartfelt gratitude."

He then turned his attention to Uncle Three and performed a similar courteous gesture, expressing his appreciation, "Thank you for your assistance."

Uncle Three, a jovial twinkle in his eye, replied with a chuckle, "Oh, I didn't really contribute much. Had it not been for this powerful lady here, my second brother might have persisted."

Alexander's lips curled into a warm smile, his appreciation unwavering, "Nevertheless, your decision to come here alone carries great significance."

Uncle Three acknowledged the gravity of the situation with a nod, "I understand that you have important matters to discuss with her. I'll take my leave now, leaving you to your conversation."

Alexander gave a subtle nod, his eyes locked on Uncle Three as his figure slowly faded from view.

Before Alexander could utter a word, Freya's voice resonated with a mix of understandin
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