The Return Of The Underworld Boss

16 ratings

The Return Of The Underworld Boss

By: Bunny bear CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 208 views: 54.8K

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When Alexander Greece hits rock bottom, he thinks there's nowhere to go but up. But things only get worse when he discovers his wife's infidelity and his mother's cancer diagnosis. Just as he's about to give up, a stranger comes to his rescue and reveals a shocking truth. As Alexander grapples with this shocking truth, he is thrust into a different world filled with schemes and danger lurking in every corner. Like a game of chess, its either he succeeds or dies.

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  • Bunny bear


    Dear readers. Please check out my third baby. Jake Klien: Rise Of The Young Trillionaire. I bet it would keep you wanting for more chapters.

    2024-02-26 22:01:15
  • BrewingFantasies


    Classic rags to riches theme but with excellent quality and more hate for the cheating wife.

    2023-07-03 06:38:31
  • Bunny bear


    Sorry everyone. There was a mistake in chapter 47,48,49 and 50, it had been rectified, but it still in review. so please exercise patience. it would be available soon.

    2023-06-29 20:55:01
  • MaxHolmes


    Interesting read, added to library.

    2023-06-22 14:53:18
  • Bunny bear


    This is my first urban book. so do well in checking it out. vote, add to library, and read.........

    2023-06-20 03:14:25
  • Savemyink


    Love this book, so interesting..... More ink to your pen author, the best ML book yet!

    2023-06-19 19:38:29
  • King Mohammed


    Lovely write-ups! Highly recommended.

    2023-06-18 04:44:12
  • Ibiso Bobmanuel


    Great book. Saved for the weekend

    2023-06-17 03:12:42
  • Adjei Eric


    good one to be

    2024-01-13 22:19:13
  • Musah Haruna


    interesting book of course..

    2024-01-13 14:50:40
  • Daisy Sobremonte


    I like this novel coz it didn't much reach more than 1k to 5k episode

    2023-11-25 06:31:22
  • Bunny bear


    Good day Everyone, my new book; WRATH OF ELIJAH WEST is out now, please do well to check it out. I will appreciate if you do.

    2023-10-29 14:46:25
  • Sambo Pheap


    good story, but a bit costly

    2023-09-26 22:53:28
  • Reck Franklin Valmores


    nice one. please more chapter and updates..

    2023-09-26 10:59:57
  • Ramesh Chander


    good novel

    2023-07-07 02:58:49
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208 chapters
In the midst of the busy and bustling city streets of Fairview, a delivery scooter could be seen weaving in and out of traffic, its rider determined to make his deliveries on time. The delivery scooter's engine roared loudly as it accelerated, the rider expertly navigating through the sea of cars and pedestrians. The rider finally arrived at his intended location, a posh and luxurious hotel known as the "Hotel De Glamour". He carefully dismounted from his scooter, mindful not to harm the valuable package he held tightly in his grasp. The majestic architecture of the hotel impressed him as he walked towards the reception area, filling him with an overwhelming sense of wonder. As he approached the front desk, he announced his purpose, "Good day. I have a scheduled delivery to make. I need to drop off a package at the designated location." The receptionist, who exuded an air of sophistication responded, "Welcome to Hotel De Glamour sir. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I need to
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Alexander's face was contorted with anger and hurt as he stared at his wife, Emily. He had never felt so betrayed in his life, and his heart was pounding with rage. "How could you do this to me?" he spat out, his voice thick with emotion. "After everything i've done for you, you still do something like this?" But instead of shrinking back in fear or remorse, Emily met his gaze with equal intensity, her own eyes blazing with fury. "What have you done for me?" she shot back, her voice trembling with anger. "You think just because married me, that means you own me? That you can control my every move?" Even though she had a strong suspicion that the young man in the room with her had intentionally arranged this situation, she no longer felt concerned as she knew that she had already been exposed. Alexander's mouth opened in protest, but Emily cut him off with a bitter laugh. "You don't even know what suffering is," she said, her voice dripping with bitterness. "Thanks to you, I'm a laug
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A piercing screeching sound jolted Alexander's senses, as if a heavy vehicle was struggling to come to an abrupt stop. The sudden noise left him stunned and a sense of apprehension gripped him, causing him to question his impulsive decision to jump. Perhaps it wasn't the best choice after all, he thought to himself. Just as he was trying to collect his thoughts, a distinguished-looking and elegant man probably in his fifties emerged from the vehicle that had screeched to a halt. The man's authoritative voice boomed out, commanding him to stop. Alexander's heart raced with nervous energy as he watched the man approach him, wondering who he was. "Young master, it's time to take over the assets not the time to die" The well-dressed man approached Alexander, he executed a graceful bow, displaying a sense of respect and formality. "Why are you calling me 'young master'?" Alexander asked, his voice laced with confusion and a hint of suspicion. The well-dressed man let out a weary si
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After laying eyes on his birth certificate and a handful of other official documents that confirmed his identity, Alexander was left in a state of utter shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Was it really possible that he was who these papers said he was? Turning to Jameson, the butler of the Greece family, he posed the question that was on his mind: "Is it really true? Am I really...?" Jameson replied with a solemn nod, as if he understood the gravity of the situation better than anyone. Alexander was filled with a jumble of different emotions, unable to process them all at once. One moment, he had been living a life of poverty, feeling like there was no hope left and was about to end it all, in the next he was being told that he was the heir to one of the most powerful families in the entire country. It was difficult to put into words just how much this revelation had upended Alexander's life. The implications were staggering. He was overwhelmed by the weight of resp
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"Doctor!! Doctor!! Nurse!!" Alexander yelled as he ran frantically through the hospital corridors. He couldn't find his mother and was extremely worried. He had become rich and wanted to share the news with his mother and make sure she was healthy, but she was nowhere to be found. Alexander's heart was racing, and he was filled with fear. "Be quiet!" someone passing by scolded him. But Alexander ignored them and rushed to the doctor's office. He knew it was late at night and the hospital was supposed to be quiet, but he didn't care. His mother meant everything to him. As he arrived at the doctor's office, he pushed the door open with force and demanded, "Doctor, where is my mother?" The tall, thin doctor with glasses looked at him puzzled and asked angrily, "Who is your mother, young man? And how dare you barge in here?" The security guards working in the hospital had already begun making their way towards the Doctor's office. They had been notified of someone causing a disturb
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The following morning, the members of the Johnson family were in a frenzied rush to gather at their ancestral home. The patriarch of the family, Grandpa Johnson, had urgently summoned them for a meeting. The tone and manner in which the message was conveyed made it evident that this was a matter of great significance. Last night, after Emily had made a proposal for the divorce with Alexander, the atmosphere in the house became tensed and silent, there were no further discussions about it until this morning when Emily informed everyone of the meeting at the ancestral home stating it was also mandatory for Alexander to attend. Of course, the happiest in the house after hearing Emily's proposal of divorce was her mother, Esther. The only comment she made after that was, "Oh! Good riddance," In the past, Alexander wasn't usually allowed to the meetings of the members of the Johnson family. The Johnson's saw him as an eyesore and did not view him as a part of their family, hence why the
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Hearing that name and the sound of the voice, Alexander's expression turned dark and dismal. It wasn't the first time he had crossed paths with Ethan. The initial encounter had taken place at the hotel, and now, Ethan was proposing to his wife, despite not being officially divorced yet. This was a huge insult to Alexander, and he couldn't help but feel angry and resentful towards Ethan. In stark contrast to Alexander's reaction, Grandpa Johnson, who was sitting in the most prominent seat in the Johnson's meeting hall, got up to welcome Ethan with open arms. He didn't care about Ethan's status, even though he was just the young master of the Blackwell family. In fact, Ethan had a higher status than Grandpa Johnson, who was only the head of a third rate family. The other members of the Johnson family also rushed out to greet Ethan, including Esther, Emily's mother, who was overly enthusiastic about his visit. Esther saw Ethan's proposal as a chance to secure a life of luxury for her da
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As Alexander rode his scooter, he couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that had been lingering within him. Wanting to distract himself from his thoughts, he decided to head to a nearby bank to check his balance and withdraw some cash as he needed to purchase a new phone that would allow him to access his email and check the responsibilities of the heir of the Greece family. Before leaving his house to the meeting earlier, he had messaged someone at work, informing them that he wouldn't be able to come in today. He was planning to go to work either later that day or the next day to tender his resignation. Entering the bank, Alexander was greeted with a sight that he wasn't particularly fond of - a long queue of regular people waiting to be served at one counter, and an empty VIP counter. Not wanting to waste any time waiting ,he walked towards the VIP center. As he approached the counter, he was met with a cold reception from the blonde haired lady sitting there. She had
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John was well aware of the importance of customer relations. He understood that the behavior of a GUB cardholder who frequented their branch could either elevate or ruin the reputation of the bank. In particular, if a GUB cardholder such as Alexander were to withdraw a large sum of money from the bank, it could lead to operational difficulties, this could put him in serious trouble. If Alexander really had the need for a billion dollars, it was better to do it electronically through transfers. That wouldn't harm the bank but benefit it instead. The manager had no other option but to set aside his pride. He quickly knelt down while performing the Chinese custom of kowtowing, where one bows their head to the ground in a show of deep respect. This gesture was so intense that the manager's forehead began to bleed, attracting the attention of passersby at the bank. These onlookers, who had initially mocked Alexander were now surprised by the manager's extreme show of contrition. The
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The response from the other end of the line drove Alexander in shock. Jameson, the butler of the family had told him Arthur White was his personal assistant and infact the White's Group which belonged to him was part of Alexander's assets. Alexander wondered, "Why did he respond that way or is he unaware he was made my personal assistant?" As Alexander was lost in thought, the owner of the delivery company interrupted his reverie with a mocking laugh. Mimicking Alexander's earlier words, the owner exclaimed, "Hello, Mr. White, Alexander Greece here. I assume you know me. I have something for you to do." The owner then went on to sneer at Alexander, questioning his supposed connection to Mr. White and ridiculing his current employment in a small company. "Ah, if you really had connections to Mr. White, would you be working in my small company?" he asked rhetorically. "I thought you even had a support and not here fooling yourself. Do you think just anyone can know Mr. White or even
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