Chapter 166

Greg now stared in disbelief at the sight before him. Under the bed, there was…

“Dylan?” Greg exclaimed, his voice betraying his astonishment as he looked at his subordinate who grinned mischievously before slowly getting up from his hiding place.

"Hey, Greg," Dylan greeted with a smirk. "Phew, I was relieved to no longer be down there. It's pretty dirty under the bed."

Greg scoffed, still bewildered by Dylan's sudden appearance. "Weren't you just out with your belongings minutes ago?"

Dylan chuckled as he brushed off some dust from his clothes. “Well, about that… Let’s just say, I didn’t really go out since I was kinda curious about what you and Karel are about to discuss so I decided to eavesdrop for a while before going back to Maria and the teen room,” said Dylan, making Greg roll his eyes.

“Anyway, Greg, about Karel’s question…” Dylan's grin faded, and his expression turned serious. "It was strange, don't you think? Like, why would he suddenly ask about Bradley and forgiveness? I
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