Chapter 168

As Greg continued to ponder the familiarity of the bag, Alan's voice abruptly brought him back to the present.

“Hey, Greg. I’ve been searching for you everywhere," Alan said with a friendly smile. "We need to get inside the lab building. Everyone's already gathered inside since Mr. Smith has already arrived."

"Alright, I'll come in," Greg said, as he followed Alan.

Inside the Old Behav Lab Building...

Greg stepped into the old Behav lab building and found that everyone had already gathered inside. The room buzzed with whispered conversations as the executives engaged in hushed discussions.

There was a certain nostalgia in the air, a reminder that many of them had started their careers in this old abandoned lab when they were young scholars. Some of the executives were reminiscing about the past, discussing their memories of working in this very building.

"Everyone must be feeling nostalgic, considering it's been a long time since they set foot in here," Greg mused as he observed thei
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