The Secret Trillionaire

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The Secret Trillionaire

By: Alhassani Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 51 views: 333

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"I don't want you anymore, you lowlife, pathetic, poor man!" she yelled at him. Oliver watched his wife quietly; he was planning to reveal that he is a trillionaire, the awaited lord who will shake the world.

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51 chapters
chapter 1
In a dark room, stood Oliver who frowned and stared at the girl in front of him with unbelievably eyes. "What! What did you just say?, Please repeat it. I heard it wrong, right?" he stammered "I said I want divorce" she took out a stack of paper and threw it on the table."What did I do, what have I done wrong. I am sorry If I did anything wrong" Oliver held her hand.She jabbed his hand off, "Are you now deaf?, I don't owe you any explanation"."What did I do, what do you want?Tell me and I will do something about it" Oliver pleaded."I want a divorce, sign that paper now. I am fed up with your poor life, I can't keep up with someone as low life as you".Oliver was shocked by the statement.She pointed at the paper, "yeah, sign it please. I don't want someone like you in my life again".Oliver Couldn't believe his ears and looked at the paper on the table. At the table was the meal he had prepared.Tomorrow would mark his 23 years old. He has been waiting for that day, because that
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chapter 2
Oliver and Amelia stood in front of the court to deliver the divorce papers and end things once and for all. "Do you have to do this, Amelia?" Oliver muttered. If only Amelia could reconsider now. "Must I keep repeating myself? I said I don’t want to live a poor life anymore. You are a wrecked man without a future, you are unambitious, and I never see anything good in you," she snapped. "It will change. I will make sure you live a good life and a great future. Just reconsider, Amelia," Oliver pleaded earnestly. "Until I drown in poverty? I said I don’t want you anymore. There is nothing you can say to change my decision, you poor rag man.""Consider all the years we have been together. Consider the promises we made to each other and just wait a little. A bit of waiting, and everything will be better than you can ever imagine," Oliver said hopefully."Will you please stop dreaming? Don't tell me anything to keep me in your poor life. There is nothing you can do," Amelia hissed
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chapter 3
Chapter 3.Jackson's expression was like he could burst at any time. His father got him this new brand of car; he would never get another one. He took so much pleading before he could get the car."My car," he hauled as he stormed to the SUV like he wanted to hug it. he rolled his fist, his eyes bloody, ready to drag the person and fight until the person paid for damages."Come out here! are you that blind!", he hauled.As the SUV engine died down, the door opened, and the driver boarded down.Jackson dropped his jaw; all what he wanted to say rushed back in his stomach, he was astounded at what he saw. An angel!.He completely forgot the presence of Amelia.The apparently Angel was a beautiful, tall girl, dressed in a shirt red gown that showed her sexy long legs. She gently closed the car.She removed the glasses she wore and brushed her long hair. She looked cold and calm, not bothering or panicking about the car she crashed.Jackson was flattered; he didn't know what to say. This
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chapter 4.
"How could you burnt something that expensive", Amelia said."mmm... is it painful? that should be yours" Sophia said.""Hell with you and your clothes! I don't even freak for it", Amelia claimed."I can't believe that is coming out from someone that almost cried some moments ago thinking it will burn" Sophia jested.Amelia glared at Oliver, "Are you using her to ridicule me? but that doesn't change the fact you are a low life, you even hire her just to show off".Sophia chuckled, "hire? well, you can say that. but he owned all this and it should have be yours".Amelia couldn't help but yell in anger. "just get out of here. then why don't you give me instead of flaunting it. he is a lowlife and will remain so"Sophia, with a nonchalant demeanour, responded, "they were meant for you, only if you were Oliver's wife. Since you aren't, they are useless."Amelia retorted, "Do you think showing off what that all those jewelries makes you superior? If you wanted to give me something, you co
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chapter 5
Chapter 5Elena, noticing Oliver following her into her office, furrowed her brows, suspecting he might be seeking more bonuses or possibly something else. Probably from the aftermath of the recent incident, she wondered if Oliver harboured explicit thoughts, perhaps intending to ask her out. Flashes of anger crossed her face, and she snapped, "what are you looking for, can you please get out".Oliver wanted to talk but she raised her hand, "I'm not in for anything, don't further spoil the day for me".Remaining composed, Oliver calmly presented the prepared resignation letter, stating, "I want to resign." Elena bit her lips , felt a twinge of shame. Oliver was known for his calm and good character, He would never do all what she thought.Elena's eyes widened in surprise as she gazed at him, her voice filled with concern, "Resign... What happened? What did I do?". "Nothing, boss. I just feel it's time for me to start a new chapter in my life."A wave of sadness washed over Elena.
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chapter 6
Oliver smiled keeping a cool expression and walked to her lifting her chin, "give it a trial".Elena was shocked with Oliver's behaviour . She had known Olive as a low life man, a coward, a loser and could never get such huge money.What surprised her more was her confidence."Oliver" Elena called. "this won’t be funny if I found out no penny in this card".Oliver huffed, "Just go ahead and let’s see the outcome of it".“Hey, I don’t think you know what you are saying , there is no such card that could transfer 100 million dollars at a time", Elena frowned at him.Oliver nodded, "Elena I said you try it and let’s see, this is a black card and can do more than you think you need".Elena looked in disbelief and said, " are you sure of what you are saying? She had never in her life heard about a card called that"."I can't believe you", she said."That's the reason I said you should try it, then you should know what to believe or not"."You just wanted to disgrace me. If I go to the tra
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chapter 7
Oliver smiled at Elena, "mmm".Elena just looked at him.In just a blink of an eye. Elena couldn't believe she became an SVIP just for transferring from a black card. It all seemed like magic."boss", Oliver called.Elena was really lost in thought, she had never witnessed this nor heard about it before."Can you now believe now", he asked and Elena just kept looking, she had completely lost it. Oliver displayed his hand in front of her to wake her up.She couldn't believe all this. She was still in shock."So… our wedding, when are you registering and picking the date?"Oliver asked, still smiling.This statement made her back alive, "Uhm…", she stammered."No need for that, just tell me when the wedding will be held, so we could just start the preparation", Oliver said.Elena bit her lips and thought, 'why was he rushing this, had he been hitting all of me all these years?'."Won't you talk", Oliver asked.Elena gulped down. Yeah, she made the promise because she didn't believe Oliv
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chapter 8
Oliver didn't want the offer and wanted to do all things to reject it, but Elena was already determined."I know the company is your treasure, you can't just give it away", Olive said."No, I want it to be in your safe", she insisted."Boss", Oliver muttered.He was still even calling her boss after he had resigned and showed how wealthy he was. Elena was impressed about this and would do anything to keep him by her side ."Accept it, or I won't collect your money", Elena declared.Oliver nodded slowly, he had no choice."Okay. I agreed and I promise never to mess up the management of your company".Elena was very happy about this, her smile beautifying the moment, but their time together was abruptly interrupted by the sudden knock on the door. Frowning, Elena opened it to find two police officers, one short while the other was a little tall.The officers entered and were aggressive upon discovering Roger's presence.Elena asked, "How can I help you? What do you guys want?".Oliver
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chapter 9
Chapter 9.Jackson and Amelia in the police station after making their report to them, they sat down and waited for them to bring Oliver. One of the police officers arrived with two plates of special foods and drinks.They knew Jackson and the influence of his father, so they are doing all possible to flatter him. one of the police officers came to them and asked, “if you need anything, please tell us, we will do it right away”.“Thanks, you are all good officers and I shall mention you to my fathers,” he said and the officer laughed. Amelia smiled at jackson, “you are just a kindhearted person”.“Yeah… anyone that I love, I make sure good things happen to the person,” he said.Amelia smiled; dating jackson would be a big win for him, so she had to keep flattering him.One of the police arrived and as soon as he saw jackson, he quickly recognized Oliver, he also tried to make him recognize him, so he went to clean his shoe.Jackson scoffed, “oh, thanks”.“What are you here for?” th
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chapter 10
After some minutes, like the war is at the edge, many armoured soldiers marched and arrived at the front of the police station.Followed by many cars of the army. In the first vehicle, a man with a general epaulette, he boards down from the car and his face is full of worries, at the same time angry and furious.His assistant also exited the car and stood beside him."What happened, why are you that worried," he asked him.The general exhaled loudly, "How dare they, how dare the police look into the God king's file. So disrespectful!".The assistant nodded slowly."It has been years now that the God king has left us, this was the first time we got the God king's file," he said.The Assistant asked, "then, why did the police look at his file"."Fortunately we have created another file for him, and the police wouldn't find anything. But they have given a proper account of the reason they looked at the file," the general said. His face is full of anger.While in the Interrogation room, t
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