How Could He Be So Rude?

The room seemed to hold its breath as Frederick slowly blinked his eyes open, a collective sigh of relief echoing through the space. Paula's relief was palpable, her eyes brimming with tears of joy as she reached out to him. "Frederick! Oh, thank God!" she exclaimed, her voice quivering with emotion as she clutched his hand tightly.

Confusion clouded Frederick's features as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. "What... what happened?" he managed to utter, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked around the room, trying to piece together the events that had unfolded.

Calvin stepped forward, his presence commanding yet reassuring. "You've had a blockage in the blood vessels supplying your brain and heart, Mr. Lyon. It led to a lack of oxygen to your brain and weakened your pulse," he explained calmly, his words carrying an air of authority. "I've temporarily widened your blood vessels, but you still need further treatment at the hospital."

Paula's gratitude overflowed as
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