The Supreme Ruler of Spirits
The Supreme Ruler of Spirits
Author: Eroellesi
001. Julius is hunting in the forest of Solus

In the afternoon, at a depth of 10 kilometers in the forest of Solus, a youth between the ages of 18-19 ran through the forest in pursuit of his prey.

The young man's name was Julius, he wore brown clothes that were a little shabby, had a slim build with a height of 1.8 meters, long white hair with a bit of black mixed in the front, and bright blue eyes.

“Checkkk... Shit! Damn it! Where did that red flame-tailed fox go?!” Julius clucked in annoyance, his heart was beating fast and his hands still had a slight tremor.

He had just found a high-value, super-rare game, but his quarry was fleeing like a ghost.

"No other choice, I have to use the technique now!" Julius clenched his teeth in annoyance, it was because the technique he was about to use could drain half of his spirit energy, however, right now he had no other choice.

To get something big requires a big sacrifice, but Julius still believes in his luck.

He took a long breath of air, trying to calm himself and take his focus, closed his eyes slowly, and began to concentrate fully.

"Open!!!" he shouted in a loud voice.


A wave of white aura instantly spread out for a radius of 500 meters, causing the trees to tremble slightly by the light shockwave effect.

Everything within a 500-meter radius from where he was standing could be seen, but it didn't last long, he wasn't able to last more than 10 seconds, besides he also had to pay a heavy price by consuming half of his spirit energy.

"Unlucky! This is just wasting my spirit energy!” Julius wiped the sweat off his forehead, his face was slightly pale, and he couldn't find his target.

Spirit is the main foundation of every being in this world, it represents magic energy, mind, and physique, the higher the spirit level one has, the stronger one is in all aspects.

That's why everyone is working hard to increase their spirit level, apart from getting stronger, they will also gain respect and glory.

Everyone who had a higher spirit level would automatically obtain a higher status as well, which was commonplace.

In the city of Redflor where Julius lives, spirits are divided into 7 levels. Level 1 is the lowest level and level 7 is the highest.

However, in the city of Redflor, just getting to level 4 is difficult enough, level 5 is extremely difficult, level 6 is almost impossible, while level 7 is just a legend.

Each level also has its stages, for example, a level 1 spirit has four stages, initial, middle, late, and peak stages.

What's also important is the color of the spirit itself, the color of the spirit represents talent and luck, everyone knows that the color of the spirit has 7 kinds of colors. White, yellow, green, blue, purple, red, and special colors.

The white color is the weakest, and the red color is the strongest, while the special color has a unique color.

In the city of Redflor itself, the one with the purple spirit is the best, he has been considered a hero in the city of Redflor.

The better a person's spirit type, the more he will be noticed and considered a valuable asset.


Back in the forest, Julius is still at Intermediate level 1, and he has a white-colored spirit which shows his talent and luck are very low.

He only has unlimited determination and hard work, even though he is considered trash at the academy, but he does not know the word give up.

Now, Julius was pressing his chest because of tightness and exhaustion, however, he didn't think about giving up and immediately dashed back to find his precious prey.

Sometime later, Julius's face grew pale and full of sweat, he almost gave up, leaning against one of the trees while catching his breath, running long enough in the forest without rest left him completely exhausted.

However, his spirit energy had already been drained a lot and he ran for quite a while without daring to take a break.

"It's getting darker, the danger in the forest will increase." Julius knew that and he could only cry inside, the chance to catch his prey is like a grain of sand on a beach.

Just as Julius was thinking hard about his next move.


The sound of a loud crash startled him.

The impact made the ground vibrate slightly, Julius, who was used to hunting in the forest, narrowed his eyes, then immediately jumped up onto a fairly tall tree.

“As I thought, you damn pig!” Julius cursed in annoyance, right now his mood was not good, and a wild boar that was 3 meters tall by 5 meters long was rampaging, causing trees to fall and dust to billow into all areas.

"Hmm, about 100 meters away, I can do it from here," Julius muttered as he gripped the crossbow tightly in his left hand, the black boar in front of him was classified as an ordinary beast.

After losing his prized game, he didn't want to go home empty-handed. The giant black pig has thick skin and stronger life energy than ordinary pigs, so it's worth it too.

Even so, when compared to the scarlet flame-tailed fox, the gigantic black hog was like mud and clouds.

The red flame-tailed fox belongs to the spiritual beasts, its life essence has evolved and surpasses that of lethal-level beasts, they can even use magic as well as gain intelligence of their own.

"Alright, it's decided, I will bring the **** pig!" Julius sighed lightly, there was a feeling of reluctance in his heart, he was still thinking about the red flame-tailed fox that could change his fate.

Julius immediately calmed down, it was the most basic of archery techniques.

After regaining his composure, he raised a wooden crossbow, clearly a low-grade weapon, Julius is too poor to get his hands on mid or higher-tier weapons.

Currently, he was standing on a tree branch that was 50 meters high, putting up a perfect archery stance.

Julius took one of the arrows from the long pouch hanging from his back.

Julius's eyes were closed and immediately opened wide, his gaze was extremely sharp, and in an instant, he leaped into the air, towards the blind spot of the giant black boar.

“Whoosh... whoosh!”

The strings of the bow quivered, and two wooden arrows with triangular pointed metal tips shot out shrouded in a faint white aura.

Julius didn't just fire one shot, he fired 2 shots at once just in case.

The giant wild boar narrowed its eyes when it sensed the threat of an attack from Julius, but Julius had already calculated everything and shot from the target's blind spot.


In just a matter of seconds, the first arrow successfully lodged in the black pig's right eye, and the second arrow followed at the same point.

As he calculated, the second arrow directly penetrated the giant black boar's brain and rendered it immobile and collapsed on the spot.

Julius nodded lightly, he was quite good at archery and didn't think he would miss unless the target had a higher speed than the movement of the arrow.

He also realized that archery was the only skill he could rely on, apart from his archery technique, he was only the butt of ridicule by his friends.

Now, after successfully incapacitating the giant black pig, he immediately sped off to dismantle it, taking its skin and several valuable organs.

Julius jumped between the trees and soon arrived at a slightly messy area, at least more than 20 trees of various sizes had been knocked down, and sizable holes formed everywhere up to a radius of 25 meters.

He shook his head when he saw the chaos, “What is this giant pig so angry about?” He was a little curious inside, but he didn't want to think about it any further.

However it was already dark, and he didn't have much time, he quickly took out a short dagger from his pocket and jumped onto the giant black pig's body.

At the same time, when Julius had just set his foot on the body of his prey, several red rays in the distance startled him.

"Is it possible?" Julius was stunned for a moment, seven red lights seemed to be dancing and getting away.

“Red flame-tailed fox! No more mistakes!" Julius's eyes were filled with a great hunting desire and without caring about anything else, he immediately shot into the darkness of the forest to catch his prized game.

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