Chapter Forty: Capture.

Lindsey woke up on a hard surface with a grunt, her blurry eyes clearing up after some minute, she gasps when she saw her environment, she was no longer in Camp rock.

The last thing she remembered was her and the girls having fun winning over the guys when the new guy, what was his name again? Yeah Alvin!, when Alvin decided he needed her help with something, Emilia volunteer to help, but she said she could handle it and went alone with Alvin.

She was carrying the drinks and some Marshmallow when she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head before passing out.

She blinked the memories away and touched the back of her head, groaning in pain, she exhaled when she saw blood and slowly sat up afraid of worsening the pain, when she felt that the pain had subside she decided to look at the place they had brought her, but then the strange sound coming from a distance made her curious, so she stood up and walked to the slightly opened window that brought a tiny reflection into the dark room.
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