Researching the devouring ability

After we left the vacation planet, we started to attack low-level corrupted planets that had a few law-wielding demons.

The experimentation started from there.

I started by dissecting the demons and seeing how the laws were embedded in their bodies after they have mastered them.

I have attempted to learn from introspection, but I could not properly see all angles inside my body, and some places were obscured for some reason.

Now, by dissecting these weaker demons, I was able to infer how the laws would settle in the body, and by extension, I might be able to learn how I could apply the devouring ability to strip them of their laws and make them mine.

From what I found out, the first law would settle near the heart in the form of the element that was comprehended.

The second would go onto one lung, the third on the other...

Atleast that's what I thought it would go like considering that I was only able to slay and dissect demons that wielded up to 2 laws.

I was able to somewhat see the
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