The Undead Trillionaire Heir Wants Revenge

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The Undead Trillionaire Heir Wants Revenge

By: Victor sunday OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 44 views: 1.8K

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‘Wake up, child. It's time to claim what's rightfully yours. Your time of being seen as a street dog has passed. Now is the moment to shine and exact vengeance upon all those that wronged us,’ the injured woman from earlier whispers to Phil while he's unconscious. •• He died and lost his identity, and died again to regain it. Now, the bullied, murdered, no-good garbage picker son-in-law, is Alexander Lord, the trillionaire heir of Labyrinth City, who has returned from the dead to exact vengeance on all those who wronged him—no one will be spared from his wrath.

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  • Victor sunday


    Chapters would be updated everyday. Comment your thoughts about the book below.

    2024-01-26 03:27:24
  • Victor sunday


    Hello, This is the author of this book. I would like to announce that this book chapters would be updated from the first thing of next month, everyday. So Please stay tune and add it to your library. Don't forgot to rate and comment your thoughts on it. Thank You, and happy festive season.

    2023-12-26 18:08:17
  • ghost pen


    Amazing reads. please when do you update? I need more of what's unfolding

    2023-12-15 01:22:53
Latest Chapter
44 chapters
Chapter 1 || His Cheating Wife.
“This is your last chance. Get lost, or we'll open fire,” the head of security for the Sinclair estate threatened. “Your kind are not even allowed in this part of the city, so how can you possibly live here?” Examining Phil's ragged waste management uniform, she asked.“I do live here… Sometimes… Gosh, this argument isn't going anywhere. Just let me in, so I can retrieve my wife from that event. She's not in the condition to be at such a rowdy place,” Phil humbly implored the female guard.She exchanged an amused glance with her colleagues, and together, they erupted into laughter.“You really expect us to believe that you are married to Mrs. Eve?” She scrutinized him harshly with a disgust-twisted face and continued, “I know what you really want to do here. You just want to enter the party, pick as many pockets as you can lay your fingers on, and leave. Countless people like you have tried, but we stopped them all. So…” Drawing out her pistol, she pointed it at Phil.“Leave,” she ord
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Chapter 2 || The Son-in-law is dead.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Phil wore a look of disbelief as he yelled.His outburst caused the other man to pause in his actions. The man, who was notably large and dressed in a midnight blue military uniform with gold braids, resembling that of a general, slowly withdrew from Eve.“Gosh that was good.” The burly man sighed.He staggeringly picked up a bottle of wine beside him, drew up his pants, and turned to Eve. “Who is this? Wait is he that no-good pauper—garbage collector husband that got you pregnant?” He asked mockingly and gulped down half the contents of the bottle.“Unfortunately, he is,” Eve replied with disdain, adjusting her dress. She leaned on the man, hoping that this would deeply wound Phil and ultimately drive him away.“How did someone like him get you pregnant? Look at him, he looks like… what's it called? Yes, a homeless man. How did he even get married to you?” The man, completely intoxicated by the drink he held, inquired. With a grimaced face, Eve answere
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Chapter 3 || He Lives Again.
‘Wake up, child. It's time to claim what's rightfully yours. Your time of being seen as a street dog has passed. Now is the moment to shine and exact vengeance upon all who those that wronged us,’ the injured woman from earlier whispers out to Phil while he was unconscious.Slowly, his eyes crept open, and he found himself lying on a king-sized bed in a prestigious, see-through glass-walled room, sparsely adorned with medieval-era antiques.Phil heard beeping sounds of a heart monitoring machine, and he could hear people quietly chattering among themselves in the room.It was only when he felt a brief, fleeting pain in his arm, that disappeared almost immediately, that he remembered what had happened to him.How he had died.‘Where am I? Am I dead? No, I'm alive…But how?’ Phil's racing thoughts almost caused him a migraine. Tilting his head to the side, he scanned every corner of the prestigious room.While he tried to discern where he was, sounds and visions from the torturous night
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Chapter 4 || Emotional Dilemma
Phil had been so invested in the story that he practically yelled at Kate when she suddenly stopped narrating. Kate, who halted her story to analyze his expression after revealing to him that he was a trillionaire, was stunned that he cared more about his identity and parents than his inheritance.“...Wait, how did you find me then? Why haven't the Del Rosarios been thrown in prison for what they did? The Sinclairs are involved in this as well? Are there still human trafficking operations in the country?” Phil sputtered. The sad demise of his parents mixed with suspense from the incomplete story made him mildly distraught. “Don't you mind that you're the richest person in the entire country?” Kate asked, as if testing his virtues. “You should be leaping—dancing, even.”“My parents are dead, I was killed, and the people who did all that are free. Why should I care about money when my family is no more?” With a substantial amount of pain in his voice, Phil muttered and slumped in his c
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Chapter 5 || Confrontation
Arriving at the ATM, Phil inserted the card given to him, entered the pin, and while the machine scanned his card for authenticity, his eyes darted to a somewhat large concave mirror at the side.In the reflection, he saw himself carefully, noticing the drastic change in his appearance and overall build. He had more facial hair than ever, glowing skin, a chiseled body, and a bulked-up physique. He looked different from his wimpy past self and wondered how he had glowed up during his coma.Was it the medicines or the food they supplied him? Phil wondered as he checked out his massive muscles. His attention was drawn back to the ATM screen after it finished analyzing his card.[Lord Platinum card analyzed, please select your desired amount: $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000. You can input the desired amount needed.]Phil's mouth hung open at the sight. He remembered that the highest you could withdraw from an ATM was usually at least ten thousand dollars. But why was the machine showing him
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Chapter 6 || Vengeance Must Be Exacted.
“Men! I hate that ****ing thug. He thinks, just because he is a general and somehow married to our cousin, he can control us as he wishes. A**hole!” Ethan exclaimed as he made his way to the booth seat in front of Phil.“It hurts more that Aunt takes his side than ours. She really thinks we will give up our shares in Black Mercury just because he needs it to take over the company. Hell no,” Aiden added, following him from behind and slumping into a chair with some girls, while a few bodyguards stood to watch.“Men, I'm so angry right now. I could beat someone up,” Ethan said disgruntled, hitting his hand on the table. “I really wished that pauper… was his name? Yes, Phil, was here, so I could vent my anger on him,” Ethan added.Phil listened with anger boiling inside, clutching his glass tightly as they talked. Memories of the insults and physical pain inflicted by the brothers haunted his thoughts.“Yeah, I really loved beating the s**t out of that dog. I really wished he hadn't kill
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Chapter 7 || Sick Test
The driver pulled up in front of the Lord's grandeur mansion, but strangely this time there was a line of knights standing outside the car, waiting for Alex despite the sudden outburst of rain.All clothed in customized black suits that were now mildly wet, the knights exuded sheer bravery and loyalty. As Alex stepped out of the car, all the knights synchronously bowed and saluted him, yelling, “Welcome back, boss Lord!” at the top of their equally baritone voices.Witnessing this, Alex smugly grinned at the respect they showed him and made his way inside to see Kate and a rather familiar towering bald Italian man across the gigantic sitting room.Kate and the bald man turned towards him after a servant announced his arrival. With an impressed smirk on her face, she locked eyes with him, and he closed some distance between them.The Italian man, however, turned towards him with a stern expression on his face. He was almost as scary and cold-looking as the dragon tattoos he had all ove
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Chapter 8 || Petty Fight
Despite now officially being a Lord, Alex was far from happy; the scowl etched on his face while staring at Kate made it clear. He couldn't believe that she had almost set him up for murder and was bewildered by the sheer nonchalance now lingering in her expression after what had just happened.At no point in his life had he been required to exercise more restraint than just now, and this was including the fact that he had shared a brutal history with the people he wasn't supposed to kill. What if he actually pulled the trigger? Alex contemplated, while his smoldering gazed fixates on Kate. She, on the other hand, stood rigid, wondering why Alex hadn't taken the Lord's badge from her or, at the very least, shown any sign of elation as he had passed the test. She dropped her arms and closed some distance, unswayed by the unwelcoming demeanor, he had on. Now a breath's length from him, her eyes caught his hands, which were twitching furiously. She held them in an effort to calm him an
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Chapter 9 || Turn Of Events
Alex instinctively took a stance upon hearing; finally, the moment was about to unfold. The world was on the verge of getting to know him, and after they did, from that point onward, nothing would be the same.Turning back would be impossible, and frankly, he was fine with that.Just from the unpleasant test he had successfully undergone, he already recognized that, after the release of his identity to the world, his newfound life wouldn't be a walk in the park.There would be glamorous celebrations, meetings, handshakes, threats on his life, fights, a pursuit of power, and undoubtedly, a bloody quest for true justice. Yet, knowing all these things, he was prepared to take the first initiative.From where he stood, he signaled for her to proceed. Nodding firmly in affirmation, Kate pressed a button on her tablet. Consequently, she received a phone call and mouthed, “Release it!” to the person on the other end of the line. A sharp female voice assented to her demand, and a few keyboard
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Chapter 10 || Turn Of Events 2
When the commercials began airing, Kate turned to Alex with her default nonchalant expression. “So, what do you think? Everyone in the world now knows of your existence and would be eager to meet you tomorrow. How do you feel?” she asked, perceiving his now motionless state.Little did she know that Alexander's rigid presence was due to his newfound anxiety about mundane things—like what he would say at the party, how he would address the large gathering of people, and, most importantly, whether he could maintain the trillionaire facade and prevent someone from his past from recognizing him as Phil.Alex's mind dwelled on these thoughts for an endless moment, but a tap on his arm from Kate snapped him out of his worried reverie. Now scrutinizing his face intently, she tried to decipher whether the expression he wore conveyed fear, worry, or anxiety. Noticing her probing, Alex shrugged and composed himself.“It's amazing, and I feel great. Finally, everybody in the world will get to mee
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