It had been months since the awful incidents had happened, and Selena, Javier, and all the other offenders were still locked up because of the multitude of crimes they had committed against other people, like Taron and Rebecca, and somehow, some missing funds were traced to Rebecca's account, so she had problems with the entire country too.

That, and her faking her death was a major offence because it was a popular tactic pulled by fraudsters, and so, Selena was to spend a long time locked up.

Rebecca, on the other hand, was doing so much better. She was starting to move during the second week of her awaking, and Taron was so proud of the progress that she was making in her life, and how she was able to forge ahead.

"I can't imagine that our lives were troubled by that nasty woman, how did you even manage to end up with her, you crazy man?" Rebecca teased him, and he rolled his eyes

"I was a complete idiot, I don't even have anything to say to defend myself." Taron said, sha
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