Detective Jain Reynolds stepped out of her Acura in a brown overcoat. She placed her hands in her pockets and walked towards the scene. There was an emergency call that hit her phone while she was in the hot tub, and she had to rush down there. As she walked towards the scene which was now surrounded by police cars, two ambulances, a fire truck, and a yellow tape surrounding the scene, she tried to picture what she was staring at.

It took her some time to realize that it was a club. Its walls were filled with holes and there were shells from bullets scattered around the entrance of the club. Jain showed her badge to the officer in charge before walking past the yellow tape. As she walked towards the club’s entrance, she was met by Stanley. He was still dressed in the attire she had left him in at the precinct. He must have been working late at night. His sandy brown hair looked disheveled, and his eyes looked like he had run a marathon.

“Jain. Glad you could make it,” he said as he
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